Motherhood is amazing and super freaking hard! I researched everything about birth but completely forgot to research the 4th trimester. When my daughter came I was like… Okay, so what's next? Whether you choose to photograph your birth or not ,I want you to leave my space feeling prepared, understood and encouraged! So, here's a few links to things that have helped me along this journey! Cheers to motherhood baby!



What is your turnaround time? 

Typically, it is anywhere from 4-5 weeks 

I would love photos, but my spouse thinks it’s weird. 

Labor and delivery is a very intimate moment. I don't blame them for having hesitations. I am there for them just as much as I am there for you (Well, mostly.)  I want to capture that moment from an outside perspective. I could be as invisible as a fly on the wall or as involved as feeding you ice ships while your partner goes to the bathroom. I do as much as the both of you are comfortable with. 

Will you share my photos with the world?!

Absolutely not! I will never ever share a single photo you have not given me permission to show. More on this in the contract. 

How many births do you book a month? 

1-2 births per month. As you know labor and delivery can be so unpredictable. I don't book more than 2 births per month for this reason. This makes it all that much more important for you to get your spot ahead of time to make sure your birth is covered. 

How many hours of coverage will I get during my birth? 

This varies from person to person; it all depends on your labor. I aim to arrive during active labor and shoot until 2 hours postpartum. 

What happens if I have a planned Cesarean birth? 

The good news is that it's planned! That gives me a lot more hope to get in and get your birth photographed! You are your biggest advocate. Many hospitals have written rules on this kind of event, some totally rejecting a photographer and some leaving it to the providers to decide. If you are lucky enough to have a provider willing to have a photographer in the room, MESSAGE ME RIGHT NOW! Drop everything and inquire because I would literally die to shoot a Cesarean. There will be so many more details to discuss, so if this is you, let’s get a coffee, like tomorrow. Cesareans can be such a foggy memory for mothers due to the nature of the medicine given. I would love to provide some clarity through my photos.

What happens if I have an emergency C-section? Will you still be able to photograph my birth? 

This all depends on the state of you, your baby, and what communication you’ve had previously with your provider. In most true emergencies I won't be able to do much. One of my absolute last options would be to set my camera on auto and hand it over to a willing husband or if we are lucky, a nurse. I will still be there for you throughout the process and will document the best I can according to your circumstance.

What happens if I go into early labor during your “off-call period” (prior to 38 weeks)? 

I will most likely still make it. I always have my bag packed and ready to go. But in the case that I do miss it (see question below) 

What happens if you miss or cannot photograph my birth?

Um hello, I will basically go to the ends of the earth to make birth. But on the rare occasion that I miss your birth everything (excluding your deposit) will be refunded to you. Your deposit, however, can then be applied to any shoot of your choice. In addition, if possible I will try my absolute hardest to make it to you for some of those postpartum moments. 

What happens if you miss my normal (any other shoot besides birth) soot because of a labor client? 

We will reschedule and you will receive 10% off of your session!


How cool is that?